

  I hope everyone had a marvelous Easter break! The lead-up to it was a lot of fun in Kakapo class. From play practice to performing the Easter play to then having a class gathering around chocolate!! Pretty lucky. Great reward for the tamariki in kakapo after working so hard on their parts for the play as well as celebrating together.

Te Awa learning

  In Kakapo this week, we used our new knowledge of rivers to make a river using ourselves. This involved a lot of communicating and listening to what others have to say. The children worked hard but Te Kahu beat Kakapo in completing their river with the correct names in the correct place. There was some amazing teamwork and thinking outside of the box from both Kakapo and Te Kahu classes during this activity. Whaea Grace

Maths warm up!

 In Kakapo this week: Before we get stuck into our maths session, we begin with a warm-up to get all minds thinking and ready to learn! In this maths warm-up, we did 'race to 27' where in small groups the children raced to be the first to get to the number 27! It was so great to hear the chatting and working out they were doing as well as cheering others on and using our positive math mindset to help them throughout! 

First session of CYBER SMART!!

 Today we had our first session of cyber smart with Whaea Donna. Kakapo class got stuck in and really enjoyed the activities that she had the class do. A lot of fun was had and smiles all around :D